Source code for bbarchivist.scripts.escreens

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Calculates escreens codes."""

import sys  # load arguments

from bbarchivist import argutils  # input validation
from bbarchivist import decorators  # enter to exit
from bbarchivist import hashutils  # main program

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def escreens_main(): """ Parse arguments from argparse/questionnaire. Invoke :func:`bbarchivist.hashutils.calculate_escreens` with arguments. """ if len(sys.argv) > 1: parser = argutils.default_parser("bb-escreens", "Calculate escrens codes") parser.add_argument("pin", help="PIN, 8 characters", type=argutils.escreens_pin) parser.add_argument("app", help="OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz") parser.add_argument("uptime", help="Uptime, in ms", type=argutils.positive_integer) parser.add_argument("duration", help="1/3/6/15/30 days", type=argutils.escreens_duration) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) key = hashutils.calculate_escreens(,, str(args.uptime), args.duration) print(key) else: questionnaire()
[docs]def questionnaire(): """ Questions to ask if no arguments given. """ pin = input("PIN: ") app = input("APP VERSION: ") uptime = int(input("UPTIME: ")) duration = int(input("1/3/6/15/30 DAYS: ")) pin = argutils.escreens_pin(pin) uptime = argutils.positive_integer(uptime) duration = argutils.escreens_duration(duration) key = hashutils.calculate_escreens(pin.lower(), app, str(uptime), duration) print("\n{0}".format(key)) decorators.enter_to_exit(True)
if __name__ == "__main__": escreens_main()