Source code for bbarchivist.scripts.carrierchecker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Checks a carrier for an OS version, can download."""

import os  # file/path operations
import sys  # load arguments
import webbrowser  # code list

import requests  # session
from bbarchivist import argutils  # arguments
from bbarchivist import bbconstants  # versions/constants
from bbarchivist import decorators  # enter to exit
from bbarchivist import jsonutils  # json
from bbarchivist import networkutils  # check function
from bbarchivist import scriptutils  # default parser
from bbarchivist import utilities  # input validation

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

[docs]def grab_args(): """ Parse arguments from argparse/questionnaire. Invoke :func:`carrierchecker.carrierchecker_main` with those arguments. """ if len(sys.argv) > 1: parser = argutils.default_parser("bb-cchecker", "Carrier info checking") parser.add_argument( "mcc", help="1-3 digit country code", type=argutils.valid_carrier, nargs="?", default=None) parser.add_argument( "mnc", help="1-3 digit carrier code", type=argutils.valid_carrier, nargs="?", default=None) parser.add_argument( "device", help="'STL100-1', 'SQW100-3', etc.", nargs="?", default=None) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--codes", dest="codes", help="Open browser for MCC/MNC list", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--available-bundles", dest="bundles", help="Check available bundles", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--download", dest="download", help="Download files after checking", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--export", dest="export", help="Export links to files", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--repair", dest="upgrade", help="Debrick instead of upgrade bars", action="store_false", default=True) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--folder", dest="folder", help="Working folder", default=None, metavar="DIR") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--blitz", dest="blitz", help="Create blitz package", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--selective", dest="selective", help="Skip Nuance/retaildemo", action="store_true", default=False) fgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() fgroup.add_argument( "-s", "--software-release", dest="forcedsw", help="Force SW release (check bundles first!)", default=None, metavar="SWRELEASE") fgroup.add_argument( "-o", "--os", dest="forcedos", help="Force OS (check bundles first!)", default=None, metavar="OS") parser.set_defaults() args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if"") else: execute_args(args) else: questionnaire() decorators.enter_to_exit(True)
[docs]def forced_avail(args): """ Determine the forced argument after availability checking. :param args: Arguments. :type args: argparse.Namespace """ avail = networkutils.sr_lookup(args.forcedos, bbconstants.SERVERS['p']) forced = avail if avail != "SR not in system" else None return forced
[docs]def forced_args(args): """ Determine the forced argument. :param args: Arguments. :type args: argparse.Namespace """ if utilities.one_and_none(args.forcedsw, args.forcedos): forced = forced_avail(args) elif utilities.one_and_none(args.forcedos, args.forcedsw): forced = args.forcedsw else: forced = None return forced
[docs]def execute_args(args): """ Get args and decide what to do with them. :param args: Arguments. :type args: argparse.Namespace """ args.folder = utilities.dirhandler(args.folder, os.getcwd()) if args.blitz: = True args.upgrade = True # blitz takes precedence if args.bundles: = False args.upgrade = False args.export = False args.blitz = False forced = forced_args(args) carrierchecker_main(args.mcc, args.mnc, args.device,, args.upgrade, args.folder, args.export, args.blitz, args.bundles, forced, args.selective)
[docs]def questionnaire_3digit(message): """ Get MCC/MNC from questionnaire. """ while True: try: trip = int(input("{0}: ".format(message))) except ValueError: continue else: if trip == argutils.valid_carrier(trip): return trip
[docs]def questionnaire(): """ Questions to ask if no arguments given. """ mcc = questionnaire_3digit("MCC") mnc = questionnaire_3digit("MNC") device = scriptutils.questionnaire_device() bundles = utilities.i2b("CHECK BUNDLES?: ") if bundles: download = False upgrade = False export = False blitz = False else: export = utilities.i2b("EXPORT TO FILE?: ") download = utilities.i2b("DOWNLOAD?: ") upgrade = False if not download else utilities.i2b("Y=UPGRADE BARS, N=DEBRICK BARS?: ") blitz = False if not download else (utilities.i2b("CREATE BLITZ?: ") if upgrade else False) directory = os.getcwd() print(" ") carrierchecker_main(mcc, mnc, device, download, upgrade, directory, export, blitz, bundles, None, False)
[docs]def carrierchecker_argfilter(mcc, mnc, device, directory): """ Filter arguments. :param mcc: Country code. :type mcc: int :param mnc: Network code. :type mnc: int :param device: Device ID (XXX100-#) :type device: str :param directory: Where to store files. Default is local directory. :type directory: str """ targdir = {"MCC": mcc, "MNC": mnc, "DEVICE": device} for key, value in targdir.items(): if value is None: print("INVALID {0}!".format(key)) raise SystemExit device = device.upper() directory = utilities.dirhandler(directory, os.getcwd()) return device, directory
[docs]def carrierchecker_jsonprepare(mcc, mnc, device): """ Prepare JSON data. :param mcc: Country code. :type mcc: int :param mnc: Network code. :type mnc: int :param device: Device ID (XXX100-#). :type device: str """ data = jsonutils.load_json("devices") model, family, hwid = jsonutils.certchecker_prep(data, device) country, carrier = networkutils.carrier_checker(mcc, mnc) return model, family, hwid, country, carrier
[docs]def carrierchecker_bundles(mcc, mnc, hwid): """ :param mcc: Country code. :type mcc: int :param mnc: Network code. :type mnc: int :param hwid: Device hardware ID. :type hwid: str """ releases = networkutils.available_bundle_lookup(mcc, mnc, hwid) print("\nAVAILABLE BUNDLES:") utilities.lprint(releases)
[docs]def carrierchecker_selective(files, selective=False): """ Filter useless bar files. :param files: List of files. :type files: list(str) :param selective: Whether or not to exclude Nuance/other dross. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ if selective: craplist = jsonutils.load_json("apps_to_remove") files = scriptutils.clean_barlist(files, craplist) return files
[docs]def carrierchecker_export(mcc, mnc, files, hwid, osv, radv, swv, export=False, upgrade=False, forced=None): """ Export files to file. :param mcc: Country code. :type mcc: int :param mnc: Network code. :type mnc: int :param files: List of files. :type files: list(str) :param hwid: Device hardware ID. :type hwid: str :param osv: OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type osv: str :param radv: Radio version, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type radv: str :param swv: Software release, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type swv: str :param export: Whether or not to write URLs to a file. Default is false. :type export: bool :param upgrade: Whether or not to use upgrade files. Default is false. :type upgrade: bool :param forced: Force a software release. None to go for latest. :type forced: str """ if export: print("\nEXPORTING...") npc = networkutils.return_npc(mcc, mnc) scriptutils.export_cchecker(files, npc, hwid, osv, radv, swv, upgrade, forced)
[docs]def carrierchecker_download_prep(files, directory, osv, radv, swv, family, blitz=False): """ Prepare for downloading files. :param files: List of files. :type files: list(str) :param directory: Where to store files. Default is local directory. :type directory: str :param osv: OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type osv: str :param radv: Radio version, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type radv: str :param swv: Software release, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type swv: str :param family: Device family. :type family: str :param blitz: Whether or not to create a blitz package. Default is false. :type blitz: bool """ suffix = "-BLITZ" if blitz else "-{0}".format(family) bardir = os.path.join(directory, "{0}{1}".format(swv, suffix)) if not os.path.exists(bardir): os.makedirs(bardir) if blitz: files = scriptutils.generate_blitz_links(files, osv, radv, swv) return bardir, files
[docs]def carrierchecker_download(files, directory, osv, radv, swv, family, download=False, blitz=False, session=None): """ Download files, create blitz if specified. :param files: List of files. :type files: list(str) :param directory: Where to store files. Default is local directory. :type directory: str :param osv: OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type osv: str :param radv: Radio version, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type radv: str :param swv: Software release, 10.x.y.zzzz. :type swv: str :param family: Device family. :type family: str :param download: Whether or not to download. Default is false. :type download: bool :param blitz: Whether or not to create a blitz package. Default is false. :type blitz: bool :param session: Requests session object, default is created on the fly. :type session: requests.Session() """ if download: bardir, files = carrierchecker_download_prep(files, directory, osv, radv, swv, family, blitz) print("\nDOWNLOADING...") networkutils.download_bootstrap(files, outdir=bardir, session=session) scriptutils.test_bar_files(bardir, files) if blitz: scriptutils.package_blitz(bardir, swv) print("\nFINISHED!!!")
[docs]def carrierchecker_nobundles(mcc, mnc, hwid, family, download=False, upgrade=True, directory=None, export=False, blitz=False, forced=None, selective=False): """ Wrap around :mod:`bbarchivist.networkutils` carrier checking. :param mcc: Country code. :type mcc: int :param mnc: Network code. :type mnc: int :param hwid: Device hardware ID. :type hwid: str :param family: Device family. :type family: str :param download: Whether or not to download. Default is false. :type download: bool :param upgrade: Whether or not to use upgrade files. Default is false. :type upgrade: bool :param directory: Where to store files. Default is local directory. :type directory: str :param export: Whether or not to write URLs to a file. Default is false. :type export: bool :param blitz: Whether or not to create a blitz package. Default is false. :type blitz: bool :param forced: Force a software release. None to go for latest. :type forced: str :param selective: Whether or not to exclude Nuance/other dross. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ npc = networkutils.return_npc(mcc, mnc) swv, osv, radv, files = networkutils.carrier_query(npc, hwid, upgrade, blitz, forced) print("SOFTWARE RELEASE: {0}".format(swv)) print("OS VERSION: {0}".format(osv)) print("RADIO VERSION: {0}".format(radv)) files = carrierchecker_selective(files, selective) carrierchecker_export(mcc, mnc, files, hwid, osv, radv, swv, export, upgrade, forced) sess = requests.Session() carrierchecker_download(files, directory, osv, radv, swv, family, download, blitz, sess)
[docs]def carrierchecker_main(mcc, mnc, device, download=False, upgrade=True, directory=None, export=False, blitz=False, bundles=False, forced=None, selective=False): """ Wrap around :mod:`bbarchivist.networkutils` carrier checking. :param mcc: Country code. :type mcc: int :param mnc: Network code. :type mnc: int :param device: Device ID (XXX100-#). :type device: str :param download: Whether or not to download. Default is false. :type download: bool :param upgrade: Whether or not to use upgrade files. Default is false. :type upgrade: bool :param directory: Where to store files. Default is local directory. :type directory: str :param export: Whether or not to write URLs to a file. Default is false. :type export: bool :param blitz: Whether or not to create a blitz package. Default is false. :type blitz: bool :param bundles: Whether or not to check software bundles. Default is false. :type bundles: bool :param forced: Force a software release. None to go for latest. :type forced: str :param selective: Whether or not to exclude Nuance/other dross. Default is false. :type selective: bool """ device, directory = carrierchecker_argfilter(mcc, mnc, device, directory) model, family, hwid, country, carrier = carrierchecker_jsonprepare(mcc, mnc, device) argutils.slim_preamble("CARRIERCHECKER") print("COUNTRY: {0}".format(country.upper())) print("CARRIER: {0}".format(carrier.upper())) print("DEVICE: {0}".format(model.upper())) print("VARIANT: {0}".format(device.upper())) print("HARDWARE ID: {0}".format(hwid.upper())) print("\nCHECKING CARRIER...") if bundles: carrierchecker_bundles(mcc, mnc, hwid) else: carrierchecker_nobundles(mcc, mnc, hwid, family, download, upgrade, directory, export, blitz, forced, selective)
if __name__ == "__main__": grab_args()