Source code for bbarchivist.scripts.archivist

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Download bar files, create autoloaders."""

import os  # filesystem read
import sys  # load arguments

import requests  # session
from bbarchivist import archiveutils  # archive work
from bbarchivist import argutils  # arguments
from bbarchivist import barutils  # file/folder work
from bbarchivist import decorators  # timer
from bbarchivist import hashutils  # hashes, GPG
from bbarchivist import loadergen  # cap, in Python
from bbarchivist import networkutils  # download/lookup
from bbarchivist import scriptutils  # script stuff
from bbarchivist import utilities  # input validation

__author__ = "Thurask"
__license__ = "WTFPL v2"
__copyright__ = "2015-2018 Thurask"

def grab_args():
    Parse arguments from argparse/questionnaire.

    Invoke :func:`archivist.archivist_main` with those arguments.
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        parser = argutils.default_parser("bb-archivist", "Create autoloaders", ("folder", "osr"))
        negategroup = parser.add_argument_group(
            "Disable program functionality")
            help="Don't download files",
            help="Don't test bar files after download",
            help="Don't extract bar files",
            help="Don't make radio autoloaders",
            help="Don't remove signed files",
            help="Don't compress loaders",
            help="Don't delete uncompressed loaders",
            help="Don't verify created loaders",
        if not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
                help="Enable GPG signing. Set up GnuPG.",
            help="Radio software version; use without software to guess",
        if not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
                help="Compression method",
            help="Make core/radio loaders",
            help="Make old-style checksum files",
        args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
        args.folder = scriptutils.generate_workfolder(args.folder)
        if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
            args.gpg = False
            hashdict = hashutils.verifier_config_loader(os.getcwd())
            args.method = "7z"
            hashdict = hashutils.verifier_config_loader()
        if args.method is None:
            compmethod = archiveutils.compress_config_loader()
            compmethod = args.method
        archivist_main(args.os,, args.swrelease,
                       os.path.abspath(args.folder), args.radloaders,
                       args.compress, args.delete, args.verify,
                       args.extract, args.signed, compmethod, args.gpg,
                       args.integrity, args.altsw, args.core, args.oldstyle)

[docs]def questionnaire(): """ Questions to ask if no arguments given. """ localdir = os.getcwd() osversion = input("OS VERSION (REQUIRED): ") radioversion = input("RADIO VERSION (PRESS ENTER TO GUESS): ") radioversion = None if not radioversion else radioversion softwareversion = input("OS SOFTWARE RELEASE (PRESS ENTER TO GUESS): ") softwareversion = None if not softwareversion else softwareversion altcheck = utilities.i2b("USING ALTERNATE RADIO (Y/N)?: ") altsw = scriptutils.check_altsw(altcheck) radios = utilities.i2b("CREATE RADIO LOADERS (Y/N)?: ") compressed = utilities.i2b("COMPRESS LOADERS (Y/N)?: ") deleted = utilities.i2b("DELETE UNCOMPRESSED LOADERS (Y/N)?: ") if compressed else False hashed = utilities.i2b("GENERATE HASHES (Y/N)?: ") if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): hashdict = hashutils.verifier_config_loader(os.getcwd()) compmethod = "7z" else: hashdict = hashutils.verifier_config_loader() hashutils.verifier_config_writer(hashdict) compmethod = archiveutils.compress_config_loader() print(" ") archivist_main(osversion, radioversion, softwareversion, localdir, radios, compressed, deleted, hashed, hashdict, download=True, extract=True, signed=True, compmethod=compmethod, gpg=False, integrity=True, altsw=altsw, core=False, oldstyle=False)
[docs]def archivist_checksw(baseurl, softwareversion, swchecked): """ Check availability of software releases. :param baseurl: Base URL for download links. :type baseurl: str :param softwareversion: Software release, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type softwareversion: str :param swchecked: If we checked the sw release already. :type swchecked: bool """ scriptutils.check_sw(baseurl, softwareversion, swchecked)
[docs]def archivist_download(download, osurls, radiourls, localdir, session, dirs): """ Download function. :param download: Whether to download bar files. True by default. :type download: bool :param osurls: OS file list. :type osurls: list(str) :param radiourls: Radio file list. :type radiourls: list(str) :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str :param session: Requests session object, default is created on the fly. :type session: requests.Session() :param dirs: List of generated bar/loader/zip directories. :type dirs: list(str) """ osfiles = scriptutils.comp_joiner(localdir, dirs[0], osurls) radiofiles = scriptutils.comp_joiner(localdir, dirs[1], radiourls) if download: print("BEGIN DOWNLOADING...") networkutils.download_bootstrap(radiourls + osurls, localdir, 3, session) print("ALL FILES DOWNLOADED") elif all(os.path.exists(x) for x in osfiles+radiofiles): print("USING CACHED OS/RADIO FILES...") barutils.replace_bars_bulk(os.path.abspath(localdir), osfiles+radiofiles)
[docs]def archivist_integritybars(integrity, osurls, radiourls, localdir): """ Check integrity of bar files, redownload if necessary. :param integrity: Whether to test downloaded files. True by default. :type integrity: bool :param osurls: OS file list. :type osurls: list(str) :param radiourls: Radio file list. :type radiourls: list(str) """ if integrity: urllist = osurls + radiourls scriptutils.test_bar_files(localdir, urllist)
[docs]def archivist_extractbars(extract, localdir): """ Extract signed files from bar files. :param extract: Whether to extract bar files. True by default. :type extract: bool :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str """ if extract: print("EXTRACTING...") barutils.extract_bars(localdir)
[docs]def archivist_integritysigned(integrity, localdir): """ Check integrity of signed files. :param integrity: Whether to test downloaded files. True by default. :type integrity: bool :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str """ if integrity: scriptutils.test_signed_files(localdir)
[docs]def archivist_movebars(dirs, localdir): """ Move bar files. :param dirs: List of OS/radio bar/loader/zipped folders. :type dirs: list(str) :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str """ print("MOVING BAR FILES...") barutils.move_bars(localdir, dirs[0], dirs[1])
[docs]def archivist_generateloaders(osversion, radioversion, radios, localdir, altsw, core): """ Generate loaders. :param osversion: OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Required. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type radioversion: str :param radios: Whether to create radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str :param altsw: Radio software release, if not the same as OS. :type altsw: str :param core: Whether to create a core/radio loader. Default is false. :type core: bool """ print("GENERATING LOADERS...") altradio = altsw is not None loadergen.generate_loaders(osversion, radioversion, radios, localdir, altradio, core)
[docs]def archivist_integrityloaders(integrity, localdir): """ Check integrity of build loaders. :param integrity: Whether to test downloaded files. True by default. :type integrity: bool :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str """ if integrity: scriptutils.test_loader_files(localdir)
[docs]def archivist_removesigned(signed, localdir): """ Remove signed files. :param signed: Whether to delete signed files. True by default. :type signed: bool :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str """ if signed: print("REMOVING SIGNED FILES...") barutils.remove_signed_files(localdir)
[docs]def archivist_compressor(compressed, integrity, localdir, compmethod, szexe): """ Compress and optionally verify loaders. :param compressed: Whether to compress files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param integrity: Whether to test downloaded files. True by default. :type integrity: bool :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str :param compmethod: Compression method. Default is "7z", fallback "zip". :type compmethod: str :param szexe: Path to 7z executable. :type szexe: str """ if compressed: print("COMPRESSING...") archiveutils.compress(localdir, compmethod, szexe, True) if integrity: print("TESTING ARCHIVES...") archiveutils.verify(localdir, compmethod, szexe, True)
[docs]def archivist_moveloaders(dirs, localdir): """ Move loaders. :param dirs: List of OS/radio bar/loader/zipped folders. :type dirs: list(str) :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str """ print("MOVING LOADERS...") barutils.move_loaders(localdir, dirs[2], dirs[3], dirs[4], dirs[5])
[docs]def archivist_gethashes(dirs, hashed, compressed, deleted, radios, osversion, radioversion, softwareversion, oldstyle): """ Make new-style info files. :param dirs: List of OS/radio bar/loader/zipped folders. :type dirs: list(str) :param hashed: Whether to hash files. True by default. :type hashed: bool :param compressed: Whether to compress files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param radios: Whether to create radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool :param osversion: OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Required. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type radioversion: str :param softwareversion: Software release, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type softwareversion: str :param oldstyle: Whether to make old-style checksum files. Default is false. :type oldstyle: bool """ if hashed and not oldstyle: scriptutils.bulk_info(dirs, osversion, compressed, deleted, radios, radioversion, softwareversion)
[docs]def archivist_getoldhashes(dirs, hashed, compressed, deleted, radios, hashdict, oldstyle): """ Make old-style checksum files. :param dirs: List of OS/radio bar/loader/zipped folders. :type dirs: list(str) :param hashed: Whether to hash files. True by default. :type hashed: bool :param compressed: Whether to compress files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param radios: Whether to create radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool :param hashdict: Dictionary of hash rules, in ~\bbarchivist.ini. :type hashdict: dict({str: bool}) :param oldstyle: Whether to make old-style checksum files. Default is false. :type oldstyle: bool """ if hashed and oldstyle: scriptutils.bulk_hash(dirs, compressed, deleted, radios, hashdict)
[docs]def archivist_gpg(gpg, dirs, compressed, deleted, radios): """ GPG-sign everything. :param gpg: Whether to use GnuPG verification. False by default. :type gpg: bool :param dirs: List of OS/radio bar/loader/zipped folders. :type dirs: list(str) :param compressed: Whether to compress files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param radios: Whether to create radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool """ if gpg: scriptutils.bulk_verify(dirs, compressed, deleted, radios)
[docs]def archivist_deleteuncompressed(dirs, deleted, radios): """ Delete uncompressed loaders. :param dirs: List of OS/radio bar/loader/zipped folders. :type dirs: list(str) :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param radios: Whether to create radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool """ if deleted: print("DELETING UNCOMPRESSED LOADERS...") barutils.remove_unpacked_loaders(dirs[2], dirs[3], radios)
[docs]def archivist_removeemptyfolders(localdir): """ Delete empty folders. :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str """ print("REMOVING EMPTY FOLDERS...") barutils.remove_empty_folders(localdir)
[docs]def archivist_main(osversion, radioversion=None, softwareversion=None, localdir=None, radios=True, compressed=True, deleted=True, hashed=True, hashdict=None, download=True, extract=True, signed=True, compmethod="7z", gpg=False, integrity=True, altsw=None, core=False, oldstyle=False): """ Wrap around multi-autoloader creation code. Some combination of creating, downloading, hashing, compressing and moving autoloaders. :param osversion: OS version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Required. :type osversion: str :param radioversion: Radio version, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type radioversion: str :param softwareversion: Software release, 10.x.y.zzzz. Can be guessed. :type softwareversion: str :param localdir: Working directory. Local by default. :type localdir: str :param radios: Whether to create radio autoloaders. True by default. :type radios: bool :param compressed: Whether to compress files. True by default. :type compressed: bool :param deleted: Whether to delete uncompressed files. True by default. :type deleted: bool :param hashed: Whether to hash files. True by default. :type hashed: bool :param hashdict: Dictionary of hash rules, in ~\bbarchivist.ini. :type hashdict: dict({str: bool}) :param download: Whether to download bar files. True by default. :type download: bool :param extract: Whether to extract bar files. True by default. :type extract: bool :param signed: Whether to delete signed files. True by default. :type signed: bool :param compmethod: Compression method. Default is "7z", fallback "zip". :type compmethod: str :param gpg: Whether to use GnuPG verification. False by default. :type gpg: bool :param integrity: Whether to test downloaded files. True by default. :type integrity: bool :param altsw: Radio software release, if not the same as OS. :type altsw: str :param core: Whether to create a core/radio loader. Default is false. :type core: bool :param oldstyle: Whether to make old-style checksum files. Default is false. :type oldstyle: bool """ if deleted and not compressed: deleted = False # don't delete what we want to keep radioversion = scriptutils.return_radio_version(osversion, radioversion) softwareversion, swchecked = scriptutils.return_sw_checked(softwareversion, osversion) if altsw == "checkme": altsw, altchecked = scriptutils.return_radio_sw_checked(altsw, radioversion) localdir = utilities.dirhandler(localdir, os.getcwd()) if hashed and hashdict is None: hashdict = hashutils.verifier_config_loader() hashutils.verifier_config_writer(hashdict) argutils.standard_preamble("archivist", osversion, softwareversion, radioversion, altsw) # Generate download URLs baseurl, alturl = scriptutils.get_baseurls(softwareversion, altsw) osurls, radiourls, cores = utilities.generate_urls(softwareversion, osversion, radioversion, True) osurls = cores if core else osurls for idx, url in enumerate(osurls): if "qc8960.factory_sfi" in url: vzwurl = url vzwindex = idx break if not networkutils.availability(vzwurl): osurls[vzwindex] = osurls[vzwindex].replace("qc8960.factory_sfi", "qc8960.verizon_sfi") osurls = list(set(osurls)) # pop duplicates if altsw: radiourls2 = [x.replace(baseurl, alturl) for x in radiourls] radiourls = radiourls2 del radiourls2 radiourls = list(set(radiourls)) # pop duplicates archivist_checksw(baseurl, softwareversion, swchecked) if altsw: scriptutils.check_radio_sw(alturl, altsw, altchecked) # Check availability of OS, radio scriptutils.check_os_bulk(osurls) radiourls, radioversion = scriptutils.check_radio_bulk(radiourls, radioversion) # Get 7z executable compmethod, szexe = scriptutils.get_sz_executable(compmethod) # Make dirs: bd_o, bd_r, ld_o, ld_r, zd_o, zd_r dirs = barutils.make_dirs(localdir, osversion, radioversion) osurls = scriptutils.bulk_avail(osurls) radiourls = scriptutils.bulk_avail(radiourls) sess = requests.Session() archivist_download(download, osurls, radiourls, localdir, sess, dirs) archivist_integritybars(integrity, osurls, radiourls, localdir) archivist_extractbars(extract, localdir) archivist_integritysigned(extract, localdir) archivist_movebars(dirs, localdir) archivist_generateloaders(osversion, radioversion, radios, localdir, altsw, core) archivist_integrityloaders(integrity, localdir) archivist_removesigned(signed, localdir) archivist_compressor(compressed, integrity, localdir, compmethod, szexe) archivist_moveloaders(dirs, localdir) archivist_gethashes(dirs, hashed, compressed, deleted, radios, osversion, radioversion, softwareversion, oldstyle) archivist_getoldhashes(dirs, hashed, compressed, deleted, radios, hashdict, oldstyle) archivist_gpg(gpg, dirs, compressed, deleted, radios) archivist_deleteuncompressed(dirs, deleted, radios) archivist_removeemptyfolders(localdir) print("\nFINISHED!")
if __name__ == "__main__": grab_args() decorators.enter_to_exit(False)